Experienced Legal Services
Medicaid’s Institutional Care Program (ICP), commonly referred to as the Nursing Home Care Program was originally created to “improve a wide range of health and medical services for Americans of all ages.” Aug 27, 2012 LBJ Library record.
Nursing Home Care
Nursing Facility Services are provided by Medicaid certified nursing homes, which primarily provide three types of services:
Contact Medicaid Eligibility, Inc.
ICP Medicaid Institutionalized Care Program is a government assistance program that provides financial assistance to pay the cost for Nursing Home care for those who qualify based on financial need. ICP is jointly funded by federal and state governments and administered by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) in Florida. Medicaid does not pay the entire cost of a person’s Nursing Home expenses; the patient contributes an amount based on their monthly income or patient’s responsibility. Medicaid then pays the Nursing Home the approved rate for the facility.
For a single resident living in Florida, patient responsibility equals their total gross income, less $130 for personal expenses less allowable insurance premium deductions. For a married couple, calculating patient responsibility can be a bit more complicated. Typically, if the “well spouse”, or “community spouse” has a modest income and has expenses that are considered customarily shared, they may receive a portion of their spouse’s income to help maintain a reasonable standard of living. ICP Medicaid Institutionalized Care Program.
How We Are Compensated
We charge a very reasonable fee based on the applicant’s needs and the complexity of the customized Medicaid plan you will receive. Also, as a Florida licensed financial aid and insurance agency, we provide Medicaid compliant annuities and guaranteed issue life insurance, when appropriate, to preserve and protect assets as part of our value-added products consulting services. We receive commissions from the financial institution issuing the annuity or life insurance as part of our compensation.
In Florida Medicaid Eligibility our mission is to connect families that require Medicaid with the most appropriate and affordable resource to guide them through the complicated Medicaid application process.
Given the time required for to review a Medicaid application, the complexity to appeal and the expense of paying for care during this time, it is vital that families find the right assistance to help them prepare for a Medicaid application to ensure a rapid approval. There is not a perfect solution. The best, most affordable option depends on a variety of factors: age, residence, finances, health and the type of Medicaid as well as seemingly unrelated factors such as veterans status and home ownership.