Medicaid Eligibility, INc.

Medicaid Eligibility Requirements

The Medicaid Eligibility Requirements and rules may have changed, but our needs have not. As for the tens of thousands of Americans who must pay for long-term care, especially in a nursing home, the Deficit Reduction Act was a trojan horse. To some a good thing, but to Long Term Care  patients or applicants it increased the time and complexity for government approvals and therefore increased the expense of getting approved. 

We Can Help You with

Eligibility Requirements

Medicaid Eligibility, Inc. will assist your family member that is applying for Medicaid. Most applications do not need an attorney but if one is needed, we will introduce to you an attorney that you will hire and pay directly for Medicaid planning. After the Medicaid plan is determined by the attorney, We will help you solve asset and income problems. We will help the family member organize the required documents needed to apply. We will prepare the application documents and file the application on your behalf as “Designated Representatives”. We will follow up on all submittals to ensure timely approval is obtained from The Department of Children and Families. 

65 years of age, blind or disabled.
U.S. citizen or qualified alien.
Florida Resident.
An asset limit of $2,000 for an individual or $3,000 for couple if both in nursing home. A community spouse may keep up to $157,920 of “Countable” assets. Not all assets are countable.
Applicants monthly gross income must not exceed the “Income Cap” currently $2,901 as of January 2025. . If the individual’s income exceeds this limit, an Income Trust would be required to become eligible. Good news is the Community Spouse income is no factor in applicants eligibility. However, it may factor in spousal diversion. More on this later.
Florida Medicaid Long-Term Care Eligibility

The most underestimated and significant requirement is MEDICAL NEED. 

The Medicaid program determines who is eligible by a standard of what the applicant can physically do regarding Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s). This will be determined by a physicians report submitted to and approved by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs to be certified for Nursing Home placement in a Medicaid-certified facility for the level of care as needed. This is the single largest cause of extended delays in application approvals. Without an experianced Medicaid Specialist to navigate and monitor, cut through the government red tape, it can often cost several months of delays.


Expert Legal Sevices

How will you pay?

The Federal Government did not provide an alternative financial mechanism to help families foot the bill when you or a family member must enter a nursing facility for what is often years of expensive supervised care. We are seeing prices of 9,000 up to 12,500 per month for nursing home costs. 

So, either the individual pays out of pocket large sums of money (spend down) or gets approved for Medicaid to cover the cost. There is no way to just give money away to family or friends to avoid being “over asset” in order to qualify for Medicaid benefits. The only way someone can become eligible that is over asset is to get help from a knowledgeable advisor to guide them on how to overcome the financial disaster of long term care. Please call us, we can help you and we want to help you. 

Money Saving Options

For the Nursing Home Care Program

Our extensive knowledge of Medicaid rules and regulations, along with our coordination with a Medicaid attorney is the best pathway to succeed with asset protection that is 100% in accordance with all laws and regulations. We are fast. We are experianced and have provided money-saving options many times that can help your family member become eligible for the Florida Medicaid Nursing Home Program… WITHOUT having to “spend down” a substantial portion of their assets in the process!

The Federal Government and the State of Florida continuously change Medicaid rules, makeing it difficult for many people to know if they are using the correct information and making the right choices regarding financing and a family member’s nursing home stay.  Let us plan, organize and obtain your APPROVAL for Florida Nursing Home Medicaid today!

We Help You Get Approved

Contact us today and discover how fast we can assist you to preserve your life savings and have peace of mind. You and your family will be glad you did!

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