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Florida Medicaid Long Term Care Eligibility

Florida is an income cap state. This means that to be eligible for Medicaid long-term care benefits, the Medicaid Institutional Care Program (ICP), the applicant must be under the income limit. If the applicant’s income is greater than the “Income Cap” the applicant is not eligible. So to remedy this problem an applicant must establish and properly fund an Irrevocable Income Trust through which the portion of income that exceeds the “Income Cap” must travel on its way to the Nursing Home as part of the Patient Responsibility for Medicaid (ICP). Yes, the same amount of income goes to the nursing home as patient responsibility if there were no income cap. So, there is no real difference except this legal instrument that is required by law to be prepared by an attorney and must be formally executed, notarized and provided to a bank with Trust Certifications to prove to the Department of Children and Families the bank has approved and establish this “Income Trust” and that a relatively small amount of income has been funneled through to the nursing home in order to be in compliance. 

This happens every month.

What's The Difference?

Income Cap Vs Non-Income Cap

Non-income cap states allow applicants to have unlimited income because it simply reduces the amount the government reimburses the Nursing Home. Whereas income cap states require the amount to be no higher than their limit ( currently $2,250 in Florida ) at the time of application. What is ironic here is both states ultimately require the same amount of CO-PAYMENT and both states enjoy the reduced amount the government reimburses the Nursing Home. Florida law says all of an applicants income is required to be paid to the Nursing Home for CO-PAYMENT minus a personal expense allowance and allowable deductions. 

So the net result is the same amount of CO-PAYMENT goes to the Nursing Home in both states except in the income cap state an ATTORNEY must be involved to prepare the legal document (Miller Trust) for eligibility. That is why it is important that you get an Advisor that knows the Florida Medicaid Eligibility rules and regulations and together with an attorney from our exclusive network, (this keeps your cost much lower) we can help you put in place the money saving tactics and strategies that will enable your family member to be eligible for Florida’s Medicaid Nursing Home Program. We are the go-to team for Florida Medicaid Eligibility-Florida Nursing Home Medicaid. Florida Medicaid Long Term Care Eligibility.

Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) Longterm Care (LTC) program

Long Term Care Eligibility FAQs

The Florida Medicaid program has a program through which Medicaid recipients may receive long-term care services. This program is called the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-term Care Program. The Long-term Care program has two types of health plans: Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) & Provider Service Networks (PSNs)

Individuals are required to be enrolled in the Long-term Care program if they are:

  • 5 years of age or older AND need nursing facility
    level of care
  • 18 years of age or older AND are eligible for Medicaid
    by reason of disability AND need nursing facility level
    of care
  • In hospice
  • In institutional care
  • Individuals who age out of Children’s Medical

Services and meet the following criteria:

  • Received care from Children’s Medical Services prior to turning age 21;
  • Age 21 years and older;
  • Cognitively intact;
  • Medically complex;
  • Technologically dependent;
  • Medicaid Pending for Long-term Care Managed Care HCBS waiver services.

Individuals who are enrolled in the following programs are NOT required to enroll, although they may enroll if they choose to:

  • Developmental Disabilities Waiver program (iBudget)
  • Traumatic Brain & Spinal Cord Injury (TBI) Waiver
  • Project AIDS Care (PAC) Waiver
  • Adult Cystic Fibrosis Waiver
  • Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
  • Familial Dysautonomia Waiver
  • Model Waiver (age eighteen (18) through twenty (20) years)
  • Recipients with other creditable coverage excluding Medicare.
  • Recipients are encouraged to work with their choice counselor to choose the LTC plan that best meets their needs.
  • After joining a plan, the recipient has 90 days to change to another plan offered within their region.
  • After the 90-day deadline, recipients may only change plans for “good cause” reasons.
  • After the initial 12-month period, recipients may change plans during an open enrollment period.
  • If you meet Long term Care Program eligibility requirements and want to live in an assisted living facility, you will be need to be enrolled in the Long-term Care Program. You will then receive information about available Long-term Care plans from the choice counselor for Florida Medicaid Long Term Care Eligibility.
  • Because space is limited in the assisted living Long-term Care program or for individuals who want to receive services at home, if you are 18 years of age or older and live at home, or in an the assisted living facility, or in an adult family care home, you must be screened and placed on the Long-term Care
    Program waiting list before being enrolled in the program. We Contact your local Aging and Disability Resource Center to be placed on the waiting list. A list of the Aging and Disability Resource Centers is available on Florida Department of Elder Affairs’ website at http://elderaffairs.state.fl.us/doea/arc.php.
  • The Aging and Disability Resource Center will complete a short screening over the phone, which results in a score that is used to rank you on the waitlist. When enrollment is available, the Aging and Disability Resource Center will contact you to begin the enrollment process.
  • A choice counselor will assist you in selecting the plan in your region that best meets your needs. To contact a choice counselor, you can use your computer to go to www.flmedicaidmanagedcare.com; or you can call 1-877-711-3662 to talk to a choice counselor.
  • You can request an in-person visit from a choice counselor as well.
  • The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) is also available to assist with any questions you may have.
  • Long term Care plans may limit the providers in their networks based on credentials, quality indicators, and price – But they must include a minimum.
  • Other qualified providers under the LTC program include: Alarm System Contractors, Case Managers, and Case Management agencies, Centers for Independent Living, Community Transportation Coordinators, Dietician/Nutrition Counselors, Homemaker/ Companion Agencies, Durable Medical Equipment and Home Medical Equipment providers, Licensed Practical Nurses, Occupational, Physical, Respiratory and Speech Therapists, and Registered Nurses. Florida Medicaid Long-Term Care Eligibility.
  • Clinical Social Workers, Community Mental Health Centers, Mental Health Counselors, and Psychologistsmay contract to provide the behavioral management service.
  • Plans must have a sufficient provider network to serve the needs of their plan enrollees.
  • Information on the LTC plans available in each region and on how to choose an LTC plan will be available on the Choice Counseling website ahead of when recipients will need to make a choice: www.flmedicaidmanagedcare.com.
  • Questions about the program can be emailed to: FLMedicaidManagedCare@ahca.myflorida.com
  • Updates about the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care program are posted at http://ahca.myflorida.com/SMMC
  • Upcoming events and news can be found on the “News and Events” tab on the SMMC website: http://ahca.myflorida.com/SMMC

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