Florida Medicaid Eligibility Income Test

The first step used by Florida Medicaid in determining eligibility is to calculate an applicant’s gross monthly income, not the net amount the applicant receives after taxes and/or Medicare Part B premiums are deducted. Only the applicant’s income is counted; as well-spouses income is not.

Florida Medicaid

While each state implements Medicaid guidelines differently, Florida is known as an “Income Cap” state. This means that if an applicant’s gross income exceeds $2,199 per month, they would not pass the income test, nor qualify for Medicaid Income. However, since 1993, there is now a way to qualify even if the gross income exceeds the cap.


Medicaid Income Florida is known as an “Income Cap” state. This means that if an applicant’s gross income exceeds $2,199 per month they would not pass the eligibility test to qualify for Medicaid. However there are exceptions especially created in 1993 which allow those whose incomes exceed this cap to still receive coverage through what is called “Medi-Cap.”

This program is specifically for Florida residents whose income exceeds the state Medicaid guidelines, but still falls below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level.

Florida Medicaid

The benefits that come with Medi-Cap vary depending on the applicant’s situation, but can include dental care, prescription drugs, mental health services and more.

In order to apply for Medi-Cap, interested individuals can fill out an application on the Florida Department of Children and Families’ website.

It’s important to note that although Medicaid Income requirements are different from state-to-state, most have some type of program in place for those who make too much money to qualify for regular Medicaid, but not enough to afford private health insurance. If you think you may fall into this category, it’s worth checking out your state’s specific program and requirements.